Book in complete confidence direct with Shawclough Barn.
You won’t pay an agent’s booking fee and we can offer you a more personalised booking experience. Here at Shawclough Barn we believe our guests deserve the best experience and we’d like to start that from the outset. If there is anything you would like to know in addition to the material provided here on our website please just email us.
Should you need to cancel you will find our cancellation policy in the Barn’s Terms and Conditions. We offer a full refund if you are unable to take your holiday because there is either a national or local lockdown that overlaps with your holiday. We don’t cover you for being ill with COVID, or having to self-isolate (unless we relet), other than under our normal cancellation terms, but this eventuality is covered on many bank travel insurance policies, and can also be covered by UK travel insurance, which we would strongly advise you take out.
In addition we’ve partnered with “Booking Protect” to offer you additional flexibility and refund protection cover. Look for the Booking Protect refund protection at the checkout and you’ll have peace of mind that you can request a full refund if the unexpected happens and you have to cancel.
We also ask you for a £300 refundable good housekeeping deposit in addition, and separate to, the rental fee, which we won’t take on booking but will ask you to transfer to us a week prior to your arrival (we will text a payment link nearer the time). For more information on how the good housekeeping bond operates please see our T&Cs at the bottom of this page.
If the dates you would like to book are not available through the website please do get in touch. At peak holiday times the website will only offer full week bookings, however if we have the availability we are very happy to look at requests for part weeks / different start days on an individual basis. Just email

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Please take the time to view the Terms and Conditions and Guest Charter.
“This is a beautifully appointed barn conversion with stunning views over the countryside. We went for a weekend of rest and relaxation and it was the perfect choice for achieving just that. It feels luxurious …”